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Old 10-10-2010, 06:20 PM
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Default when you had your baby/babies what

were the almost names? You know how sometimes you are so sure on a name or you have two names and you gravitate more towards one when the baby is born? Or maybe you do not know if you are having a boy or a girl and you pick out a name for both? So Im curious what was the "almost name"?

(Im also kinda wondering this because while I was cutting my sons hair we got on the topic of names because he asked about his half-brother and then that brought up his half-sister who he has never met and he asked what her name was and I told him Desiree. He said he does not like that name and I laughed and said that was almost his name LOL)

Soooo yea anyhow what was yours?

for my daughter Crystal I liked Ruby Nicole. Which I now question my sanity on LOL. But we were told early on we were having a boy so I never really thought much on girls names while pregnant with her and now 19 years later I cannot even begn to remember what it was I was going to name her had she actually been a boy.

for my son Matthew there never really was another name for him. Once I chose Matthew I knew it was right.

and for Nickolas up until he was born he was going to be Nathaniel. Had he been a girl he was going to be Desiree Nicole

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Old 10-10-2010, 06:26 PM
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there were never really any other names that i had my heart set on. ce's name was just a matter of finally agreeing on SOMETHING anything like right before he was born. but it fits.... I had wanted to name a child mederick.. since i was younger.... but that didnt happen clearly.
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Old 10-10-2010, 06:33 PM
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For us the boy name was the easiest... I always love the nickname, Jake... and it kind of was a family thing for me... it would probably have been my name if I were a boy. The middle name is my hubby's first name... so the only real debate was that my dh wanted David to be the first name and Jacob the second... but I didn't want a junior. My hubby was on this kick of the only thing of real value a father can give his son in legacy is his own name...

For girls... we couldn't agree on a name to save our lives! I liked Olivia, Madeline, Caitlin, and Anna... my hubby liked Elizabeth, Emily, and Amanda... We finally agreed one either, Catherine Elizabeth or Elizabeth Catherine... Catherine was my hubby's mama's name... she passed away when my dh was only 10. It's a good thing we had a boy... she would have been so ticked at us when signing legal papers to put Catherine Elizabeth Kuchenbecker on the signature...
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Old 10-10-2010, 06:34 PM
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Originally Posted by lauren grier View Post
I had wanted to name a child mederick.. since i was younger.... but that didnt happen clearly.
LOL I remember Mederick...but I don't play that game any more :P

I've got to admit that 'Rachel' was not my top pick...in fact, it was WAAAY down on my list. But it was near the top of DH's, and it was the only name we both liked, so it's what we went with. I preferred Abigail for a girl; Joshua or Timothy for a boy.
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Old 10-10-2010, 06:37 PM
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Keira's is Keira Corrin, I liked Kaitlyn, but I didn't want her to have a nickname. If she would have been a boy it would have been Logan Wiley.

Cooper was almost Hayden Wiley, but we decided on Cooper Douglas Wiley. If he had been a girl his name would have been Hailey Grace.
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Old 10-10-2010, 06:39 PM
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I had decided as a teenager (actually probably even younger than that) that when I had a daughter I would call her Jessica. I loved that name (and still do), but when my daughters were born, I took one look at them and thought "you don't look like a Jessica". So one got named Brooke and the other Elisa. To me, all the Jessica's I'd known were little and petite. My girls were 9lbs each, and that just didn't seem 'little' to me. LOL!
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Old 10-10-2010, 06:44 PM
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I had y'all weigh in on names when I was pg with DD last year 'cause names and words are so important to me.

Once we found out we were having a gurl, it was either Eliana Clare or Saraiah (Suhay-uh) Belle. Although I love the way Saraiah sounds, we couldn't figure out a spelling that didn't (a) look like we were stupid and didn't know how to spell Sara and (b) was halfway phonetic so it wouldn't be a complete struggle for people to pronounce her name. I'm trying not to think abt what we'll do if we have a second DD! I am so picky abt gurl names that it will likely take the whole pg to think up one that I like! *lol* Eliana (El-ee-ah-nuh) Clare means 'God has clearly answered our prayers,' btw.

I've told myself since I was a teenager that if I had a little redheaded gurl I would name her Cordelia Blythe (Anne of Green Gables reference), but I don't know that that would fly with Jeff! *lol*

The plan last year was that if we had a boy we would be naming him after Jeff's brother (and dad) William Harrison IV. Since then, I have rethought the idea of naming a nephew after a deceased uncle and think a better compromise would be Caleb William. I have always loved the name Caleb, and William would still be after Jeff's brother as well as my biological father, but in such a way that my mom (who is the only person in my family who knows my biodad's middle name, I believe) could never protest us naming our son that because it would ostensibly be after Jeff's deceased brother.
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Old 10-10-2010, 06:50 PM
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My oldest dd was almost Darby. We debated until the very end of the pregnancy until we finally landed on Corbin. Now I can't imagine her being named Darby.

My middle was always Camryn. Like from the time we found out she was a girl, there was no other option, just Camryn.

Callan wasn't named until the day he was born. We couldn't decide between Cooper, Connor and Callan. Dh liked Cooper and Connor and I liked Callan because it was different. I guess we know who won.
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Old 10-10-2010, 06:56 PM
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Naming my kids took so much thought-
Zachary Prescott-Lin was almost-and I mean as close as it comes-the nurse asked his name-I said Holden Prescott-Lin and then looked down at my sweet little boy and knew that wasn't his name-and picked Zachary-my favorite character from Saved By The Bell...HA!
He would have been Peyton Elizabeth-Lin if he had been a girl.

Connor(from the Highlander movies) was Connor from 12 weeks when we found out he was a boy-he was a high risk pregnancy so we knew pretty early on his sex...although if he would have been a girl he probably would have been Chandler Evelyn-Kay

Landen was the HARDEST! Scott and I couldn't agree! He wanted the baby's name to start with S because both of our names do but I said NO to that since his choices were Samuel and Sophie, I don't care for either one of those.

We called him Ronan for a while, Declan for a bit before finally deciding on Landen Alexander-Reid(from the Fantastic Four). If he had been a girl we threw around Jamison, Emersyn, and Remington...but because I wanted a boy so badly I refused to take any girl name to seriously.
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Old 10-10-2010, 07:02 PM
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Almost or other sex names

Dylan - Contenders - Paul (Jay's dad's name but the other 2 said it was an "old man" name), Jackson ~ In the end we really wanted a Welsh name (Jay's family is straight off the boat from Wales) so we went with Dylan
Dylan Girl Name ~ Bronwyn (again a Welsh name)

Jacob ~ Was named Gabriel for a week, till his dad came back from deployment and said - NO .... So when it came time for the birth cert .... Jacob

Emily ~ Family name.... I really wanted Chloe or Charlotte

For the boys middle names are family names - Clark and Willson

Emily's middle name is Noelle... She was born the day after Christmas - and her first name is a family name.

I have to say that even though my name is unusual ~ Nonja, I go for traditional meaningful names.... Every one of the kids has a family name attached .....

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Old 10-10-2010, 07:31 PM
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I always loved the name Logan but never really considered it for a girl name. Our boy name was easy--Caleb (because we both liked it) Michael (after my dad).

We couldn't agree on girl names at all! I loved the name Shayleigh, but DH was having none of it. He liked Michelle, but that wasn't going to work for me. I have a cousin Michelle who I can't stand, and I couldn't help making that connection!

In the end, we kept coming back to the name Logan because we both liked it and decided that hey, it could work for a girl's name too. Deciding on the middle name was another struggle. We considered Logan Janelle and Logan Elise. Finally, like on the day we had to sign her birth certificate, we agreed on Logan Faith. It seemed appropriate.
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Old 10-10-2010, 07:33 PM
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Well, I was pretty convinced JP would be a girl. We didn't find out until 31 weeks that he was indeed a he. We'd chosen Isabella Marie for a girl. Isabella was my Grammy's given name (she later shortened it to Isabel) and Marie was a riff on Tim's mom's middle name of Mary. He reeeeeeeeeally wanted Isabella Mary, but I didn't like the flow and since he shot down my middle name choice of Grace--we compromised. So, when we found out that or little Libby (that was the nickname we'd picked) had a penis, we went back tot he drawing board. I immediately said that my son needed to be named James. It's just always been my favorite name for a boy. Tim wanted to use his name as the middle name, but I nixed it since he already has two people named for him. Anyway--we settled on Paul for the middle name until we were on the way to the hospital. I objected to it and asked to change it to Philip. James was T's father's second middle name, so I felt we should name JP after my dad too. I'm so glad we changed it! I like the more unique combo of James Philip over James Paul.

Devin, had he been a girl, would have been Kaiya Catherine Faith. We'd picked Aren Peter for a boy, but once we found out, it felt wrong. I dreamed about calling a little boy named Devin--and that was it. D's middle name is for Andrew's deceased brother, Peter.

While I gave both of my boys middle names starting with P, I didn't do it to create a pattern. It didn't even dawn on me that I'd done it until D was nearly two and someone pointed it out. We had planned to continue it with future children though, but that's looking more unlikely as each month passes.
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Old 10-10-2010, 07:35 PM
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I had Avery's name picked out before I even picked DH out lol! Seriously..I wrote down the name Avery for a boy in like 1994...so I always knew that's what he'd be...his full name is Brian Avery...Brian after DH so he was pretty easy.

Choosing Ella's name was hard...DH was deployed the entire time I was pregnant with her so I couldn't really bounce ideas off of him. She was going to be Tessa for like the longest times and then for a while it was Kate. Finally one night DH and I were talking and I told him I liked the name Elinor and he said no but that he liked Ella and it just clicked...it's hard to believe now but just a couple of years ago Ella still wasn't that popular. Her full name is Ella Augusta which i adore...her middle name is a family name..we even call her "Miss Augusta" as a nickname

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Old 10-10-2010, 07:36 PM
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Boy names - it was always Jason Jr. because we couldn't agree on anything else...and then we ended up with L.J. as his nickname (Little Jason) before he was even born.

Girls - Shelby Rae, Piper Larie, Presley Rae - none of which my hubby liked because they were too "weird" according to him so it's a good thing I had a boy LOL

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Old 10-10-2010, 07:53 PM
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DD#1 was almost Kennedy Paige
DD#2 we kicked around tons of name (like Audrey, Brenna, Allison) but never really shettled on one. Then after she popped out and we had a good look at her hubby blurted out her name which was never on any of our lists and we had never even spoken of the name
DS#1 We knew his name as soon as we knew he was a boy!!
DS#2 I tried to talk hubby into the name Leland but he was having none of that. So we shettled on a name but had 2 middle names picked out that we liked and went well with his name and we wait till we saw him to see which full name fit him best. We went with Hudson over Walker (although hubby was a little sad he wasn't gonna be able to call hin GW )
DS#3 we didn't know the sex of so we had to come up with 2 names. We had the girl name at the very beginning Elliot Clair. But we had a hard time with boys names and finally about 5 days before he was born shettled on 2 we like but we had no middle name. When he was born he we named him and then gave him my brother's name (who passed awy in May 2008) as a middle name. His discarded name was Ewan.


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Old 10-10-2010, 08:01 PM
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We went to the hospital with a list of 5 name combos for a boy and chose to decide after we saw him. We had Samuel Nahum, Tobias Jonah, James Theodore, Nicholas Xander and Theodore Jude. The second he was born, I knew part of his name had to be Jonah. I decided against using it as his first name in case people thought to call him Joe since i have a cousin named Joey. After a few hours of looking at him and ruling down names, it came down to Samuel & Nicholas. I picked him up and knew his name was Nicholas Jonah. It fits him perfect.
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Old 10-10-2010, 08:01 PM
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No baby yet...she's still baking. Ask me again in 4 months. lol

According to my mother, I was almost a Sara but thankfully a good friend of her's stole the name before I was born. My name was a spur of the moment thing because my mother wasn't sure how far along she was with me but she knew she was pregnant. So she thought she was having a miscarriage and they told her WRONG, you're having a baby. BAM, here I come.
My brother on the other hand had his name picked way before they even knew he was a he. They chose a name and regardless of gender it would have been the same.
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Old 10-10-2010, 08:12 PM
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We never got to use our girl name...Taylor Grace...and we never will get to use our girl name...sniff, sniff.

Boys....well we have 4 boy names so we have used all our "almost" names! LOL We have Aaron Robert, Jason Andrew, Seth Michael and Derek Matthew will make his debut in a few weeks!! We never really struggled with names....we agreed pretty quickly and agreed before we even knew if we were having a boy or a girl. The girl name was non-negotiable!!!

DH really liked the name Alexander but I wasn't sold on it. We almost went with it as a middle name but I can't even rememeber what name we had as a first....I guess that shows the impact it had on me! LOL

I REALLY liked Conner but DH said no!

I was almost Amy...but once I was born everyone but my mom won and they names me Kimberly.

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Old 10-10-2010, 08:21 PM
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My Zachary Charles almost was a Matthew David.

My Hannah McKell was almost a Sarah Elizabeth.

My Rebekah Lynn was almost a Bethany Elizabeth.
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Old 10-10-2010, 08:36 PM
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Holly I love your name. But I have a niece named Holly too so I guess Im kinda partial to it

(oh I just noticed I always say Holly not Holly Ann do you prefer to be called Holly Ann?)

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Old 10-10-2010, 08:37 PM
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Naming the boys was a nightmare for us. I like the more modern names and my husband liked the more traditional name. We had both agreed on Colin for one of the twins. then I wanted Carter but DH said absolutely no rhyming or cutesie twin names. We both came up with a list of names we liked and then got to veto names. Drew was one of the only names that we could both agree on. He is Drew instead of Andrew because I knew I wanted him to be called Drew and since Colin didnt have a nickname then I didnt want Drew to have a nickname. Its wierd, I know.

As far as middle names for the twins, we had a few picked out but nothing concrete. Then I went into way early labor (26 weeks) and the boys were born. When it came time to fill out the birth certificates DH wasnt there so I just chose the middles names off of the list that we had picked. So the boys were Colin Matthew and Drew Alexander.

When I was pg with Ryan I seriously hated my husband because it was even harder to come up with a 3rd boys name. There were only 1 or 2 names on his list that I liked and there were zero names on my list that he liked. I wasnt sold on Ryan for the longest time and it wasnt until he was born that I really started being ok with the name. Now I look at him and cant imagine him with any other name- he is ALL BOY and any of the modern names that I liked would totally not suit him. LOL!
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Old 10-10-2010, 08:39 PM
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Mari your sons name is perfect (and Im not saying that because I am at all biased LOL)

My son who was going to be Nathaniel turned out to be Nickolas. I chose to spell it Nickolas because I knew most likely he would be called Nick (even though I dont like shortening names everyone else in the family seems to like to) so I figured it would be easier for him to learn to spell.

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Old 10-10-2010, 08:39 PM
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Originally Posted by jessica31876 View Post
Holly I love your name. But I have a niece named Holly too so I guess Im kinda partial to it

(oh I just noticed I always say Holly not Holly Ann do you prefer to be called Holly Ann?)
Either or. Ann is my middle name but ever since I was little everyone has just used both names so I go by either name.
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Old 10-10-2010, 08:41 PM
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we never did decide on a boy name. i liked nathaniel john, he liked jacob john. obv. it didn't matter anyway.

emma was always going to be emma rose. i've loved the name emma since i met one of my grandma's friends whose name was emma. rose is both his grandma's name and my grandma's name.

madelyn's name was a rough one for us. we always knew we'd use grace as the middle name but instead of madelyn we also had abigail and lynette. she's most definitely a 'madsy' though.

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Old 10-10-2010, 08:42 PM
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Oh I just thought of another name I was thinking of for my Nickolas...Conway LMAO. I was in love with Conway Twitty but Conway is also the name of a major roadway here so that was vetoed really quickly. Im not sure why I thought it would be so great now (no offence to any Conways here or moms of any named Conways) I just know it would so not have fit him now.

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Old 10-10-2010, 08:44 PM
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Tracey you just reminded me of two names I had for my daughter for almost names:

Colby and Shelby LOL

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Old 10-10-2010, 08:45 PM
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Nikki...Ella Augusta is really pretty. I like that combo alot

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Old 10-10-2010, 08:50 PM
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Originally Posted by jessica31876 View Post
Oh I just thought of another name I was thinking of for my Nickolas...Conway LMAO. I was in love with Conway Twitty but Conway is also the name of a major roadway here so that was vetoed really quickly. Im not sure why I thought it would be so great now (no offence to any Conways here or moms of any named Conways) I just know it would so not have fit him now.
That's funny. My very first concert ever was a Conway Twitty show with my uncle and grandma when I was like 10 years old. I was such a wild child!
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Old 10-10-2010, 09:00 PM
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Oh I still love Conway Twitty LOL but looking at my son he is defenitely not a Conway

I defenitely couldnt picture him as anything other then Nick or Nickolas. Well sometimes I call him Tyler which is his middle name. But Im the only one he lets call him that

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Old 10-10-2010, 09:20 PM
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Brady was always going to be Brady. Unless he was a girl, then he was going to be Karissa Joy. His middle name is Daniel, after his dad, who is technically Danny, as my sister-in-law pointed out. However, I didn't think Brady Danny sounded good, so I took some liberties.

When I was pregnant with my second, we didn't know the sex until she was born. If she had been a boy, she would have been Dalton Henry. Until about a week before she was born, she was going to be Kinsey Hannah. I was in grad school at the time, and I was sitting there, huge and miserable in the student union, when I heard some girl yelling "Kenzie! Kenzie!" and I realized that's how my child's name would sound when yelled. So I dropped it and found Mykiah in a baby name book. It's becoming more common, especially just the Kiah part. She's Mykiah Kristene. Kristene is after my mom, who is Christena. I messed with the spelling. Sue me.

Chesney was going to be Chesney before I was even pregnant. For a while I was convinced I was going to have a boy, and we picked out the name Ryder McCormick. I loved Ryder and dh loves Footloose, so he wanted McCormick. On a side note, my sister-in-law (not the nit-picky one) is pregnant with twin boys and the names they are considering are McCoy and Ryder. That amused me.

Anyway, Chesney was Chesney forever. Her middle name was going to be Viola after my husband's grandma, but at the last minute I was talking about how I like the name McKenna. Dan said we could use it as the first name but Mykiah and McKenna are too close. So she's Chesney Mykenna.
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Old 10-10-2010, 09:50 PM
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Jacob was almost Jayson or Adam. I was torn between the 3 names, but leaning towards Jayson, but his bio-dad voted for Jacob. After I filled out the birth certificate for Jacob, his bio-dad kept mistakenly calling him Jayson and I was sad that I hadn't named him that. Jacob is 18 now and he loves his name, so things worked out. LOL If he had been a girl he would have been Kaitlyn Rose.

For Logan, I had picked out that name about 8 years before I was pregnant with him. I loved that name from the moment I first heard it. And I loved how "Jacob and Logan" sounded together. My husband wanted the name to be Matthew, but I was insistent on Logan. My DH likes few girl names so I remember that he voted for Brooke, but I love so many girl names that it would have been tough to narrow me down.
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Old 10-10-2010, 10:28 PM
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My oldest was going to be Anthony Sean ... had a kid I went to high school with who had that name.. the kid was a real brat but I loved his name. So since high school my first born son was going to be Anthony Sean ... and call him Tony.

Well umpteen years later I marry and finally get pg ... only name ... Anthony Sean ... except dh had it STUCK in his stubborn head that the name had to start with S because both of ours did (it is something his **mother** did with all the girls in their family including the mom) ....

...so we were going to reverse them ... and call him Sean Anthony ... even though I wanted my baby Tony. No other names were even considered...other than if it were a girl it would be Lillie after my grandmother and great grandmother.

...so he was born ... we both looked at the baby ... and at each other and said "He doesn't look like a Sean!"

...we sent my sister out for a baby name book and the "name game" that was played at my shower in order to look for possibilities ... well baby was 5 days old and my fil was calling me at the hospital saying "name my grandson!" ... well his SON was being stubborn on that the name HAD to start with an S. There were not many boy S names to begin with and most sounded funny with our last name.

We finally decided on *Scott* ... and to my knowledge I had only known ONE Scott in my life ... the funny thing is ... when he started Kindergarten ... there were THREE Scott's in his kindergarten class!!

...as a note...when my 2nd was born ... there were some complications ... and dh told me I could name him anything I wanted ... so I got my baby Tony the second time around .... lol
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Old 10-10-2010, 11:06 PM
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Originally Posted by nesser1981 View Post
Cooper was almost Hayden Wiley, but we decided on Cooper Douglas Wiley. If he had been a girl his name would have been Hailey Grace.
(My husband's name is Wiley )

I knew I wanted Chloe to be named Chloe - it was the first name I threw out there when we found out we were pregnant. For boy's I had Christian or Caleb picked out. When we found out we were having 2 girls, we only had one name left to pick - I wasn't budging off Chloe Faith lol.

We decided to let dh pick the other name, since I picked Chloe's name. I suggested Caidence, and I loooooved Madalyn Grace, but he picked Caitlyn Rae at the last minute - after she was born lol.
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Old 10-10-2010, 11:57 PM
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We only picked names after we found out both babies were girls, so we never picked out boys' names. So I have no clue what we would have chosen.

On the list for my oldest: Maren, Taryn, Madeleine, Allison, Elizabeth...she ended up being Abigail Reese. The process of naming her was painful.

The second time around we kept many of the names from the first round: Maren, Taryn, Allison, Elizabeth, and a few others. My youngest is Audrey Elizabeth, and I still absolutely love the name.
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Old 10-11-2010, 12:32 AM
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Ryan Martin would've been Sara

Casey Michael would've been Megan

Patrick Mason would've been Lauren

Eric Mitchell would've been Brenna and he was supposed to be Aidan once I found out he was a boy, but I was on percocet when he was born, Rick liked Eric better, so he named him while I was drugged up! LOL Oh well! Eric says his first born son will be Aidan.

The middle name would've been Michelle for the first, and then we would've chosen other "M" names for the others if they were girls. All the boys middle names are family names.
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Old 10-11-2010, 12:49 AM
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I LOVE reading everybody'stories!!!

here is how our 4 went!!!

1. Sam was always going to be Sam whether a girl or boy!!!! She was gonna be Samanta Dawn Pbut I HATED tha name Dawn{ she she got my middle name..Hope...so Samantha Hope

2. Ben was orginally gonna be Samuel Miller {but I guess somebody convinced me I couldn't have 2 Sam's!!!{ So he became Benjamin Allen..DH's Middle Name}...funny thing is Sam and Ben both have the EXACT amount of letters in their 1st, middle and lat name!!!

3. rhen we had to have another girl!!! Well about a week before she was born we had it narrowed down to Alisun and Abigail...but I really liked Payton!!! well she was born and since I had NO DRUGS I wanted to name her Payton....well after everyone lef tthe room and DH was holding her he said "she doesn;t look like Payton, she looks more like an Abigail"...so guess what her name is!!! she was almost Abigail Rose and then DH said :we should name her after my grandma, Louisa and call her Abby Lou" well guess what her name is Abigail Louisa!!! so fitting

4. was a total surprise and there was no question whether he was gonna be a boy or girl I was gonna get a Peyton!!!!! and I really realy was gonna name him Peyton Manning MIller, but I got overruled and he was named after Matt's grandpa and brother ....Peyton James

and there you have it!!!and we are DUN..D.....U....N....DUN!
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Old 10-11-2010, 02:23 AM
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With my oldest, we thought we were having a boy because we just didn't think we would could possibly be having a girl with everyone else we knew having girls. So, we had a boy name all picked out: Ian Walker. Ian is my husband's middle name, and we liked Walker until we associated it with someone neither of us like very much. Then we found out at our 20 week US that we were having a girl, Aidan Rebecca.

Fast forward to pregnancy number 2. It was already decided that if we were having a boy he would be Ian. If we were having a girl, I really liked Peyton, but we had a boy. We went back and forth about a middle name until the week before he was born. One of the middle names we tossed about was Tobiah, which I just fell in love with, but in the end, we named him Ian Joshua.

On to pregnancy #3, I had my heart set on using Tobiah in some shape or form, and we were thrilled to find out we were having another boy! This time, we decided to keep with the pattern we had set. All of our kids have a 2 syllable first name, ending in "an," of Irish/Gaelic/Scottish origin, and they also have a 3 syllable middle name, ending in "ah," of Hebrew origin. Because of that pattern, Tobiah would have to be this baby's middle name, and my husband really liked Colin for a first name. I liked Cullen because it means "handsome," but in the end, I gave because we were planning on calling him Toby, anyway. So, on Memorial Day, Colin Tobiah was born, and we call him Toby. We didn't even talk girl names this last time.
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Old 10-11-2010, 03:31 AM
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With my oldest I didn't even have a name picked out and he was nameless for 24 hours, then I decided on Jack!

Harry was supposed to be a Tommy, and when he was born I remember complaining that he didn't look like a Tommy, and a few hours later we had decided on Harry, which is what I had wanted from the start but OH wasn't sure of it, but liked it once he was here, lol!!
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Old 10-11-2010, 08:09 AM
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If Ella had been a boy she was going to be John Ezra after both my grandfathers...i still get a little sad that we won't ever get to use that name.

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Old 10-11-2010, 10:03 AM
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Dh will tell you that our oldest was almost named Llewellyn Byrd in a combined naming tradition where the first son on his side of the family is named Llewellyn and the first son on my side of the family is given his maternal grandfather's name as a middle name. My dad's first name is Byrd. DH was really behind that plan too. I, personally, never ever considered it a viable name. First, given where we live he'd be LB...or Ellbee, his whole life and second ...geez..does there even need to be a second...Llewellyn BYrd? Who does that to a kid?

When DS2 was born we were still debating between Owen or Dirk. But neither seemed right once he was born. We also considered Adam, Seth and Duncan before settling on his name. Just as the lady with the forms came in before we were discharged from the hospital

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Old 10-11-2010, 10:44 AM
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DD1 - Always was Jillian. Jillian May. Not Gillian - because I don't like that spelling and can totally see my parents calling her Gilly. ICK.
DD2- We bounced around Josephine (her MN), Annabelle, and Evelyn. It was going to be Evelyn until 2 weeks before I delivered & I changed it to Brianna. Well, she was born, I changed my mind again & she was once again Evelyn Josephine. Evie Jo. Throughout pregnancy she was nick named Deuce. The Deuce.

My boys name *sigh* I love it so much - Henry Eugene. Henry after Hank Aaron (we would have called him Hank, too) and Eugene after Andy's Dad. We'll never use it.
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Old 10-11-2010, 11:47 AM
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at one point i was going to give all my kids names that started with C. because my name is Corey and my husbands name is Chad lol. i thought it'd be neat if we all had c names i guess. it worked out for awhile; i had always LOVED the name Chloe (middle name is Marie) and knew my first daughter would have that name. then we got pregnant with Emma. i was going to name her Cadie Ranae. but then i got tired of being limited with C names and i fell in love with Emma Rose. old fashioned sounding. Aidan was going to be Caden. but Chad didn't like it. but he loved Aidan (?) they're almost the same so i dont get what problem he had with Caden lol. but anyway, i love my kids' names and happy with the choices. Chloe, Emma and Aidan. rolls right off my tongue lol.
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Old 10-11-2010, 11:56 AM
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Originally Posted by Julie Billingsley View Post
For Logan, I had picked out that name about 8 years before I was pregnant with him.
i LOVE that name! funny thing is the town my husband and I both were born in and he grew up in (few miles away from us now and where we both have family) is the town Logansport. us locals refer to it as Logan. but its still a neat name for a boy!

and Peyton is an awesome name, Angie. i thought about that name for Aidan too. GO COLTS!! woo!

Last edited by junebug; 10-11-2010 at 11:58 AM.
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Old 10-11-2010, 02:43 PM
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There wasn't a whole lot of debate with mine. I guess we're easy going people or something. lol

The first one was the hardest to name. I wanted Alec and my ex wanted Christian. We were going to name him Christian Alec but I thought that was too long of a first name with our long last name, so we decided to reverse them. Then I talked him into Alec Tyler.

The 2nd one I let him pick the first name (Cody) and I picked the middle (Nicholas). He's technically named after Nicklas Lidstrom, but ex-h wouldn't let me spell it like that. I should have anyway. lol

#3 was finally a girl and I gave him no voting power whatsoever and named her myself - Lauren Grace. I did have a boy name picked out for her just in case (I wasn't convinced that after 2 boys I was finally getting a girl lol), which was Noah Lucas.

#4 = Noah Lucas

#5 was with my current husband. I didn't spell the first 3 boys with 4 letters on purpose but by this point I felt kinda stuck with it. I poured over the baby name books over and over and the only names I liked with 4 letters didn't work with our last name. (Ie: I liked Jack, but Jack Kovacs = fail). So, one night in frustration I said "I give up, YOU name him. I already named 4." He said "How about Sean?" Done deal. Middle name Christopher, which is my husband's first name (family tradition). If he'd been a girl he would have been Bella or Isabella Elise (my grandmother was Elsie and his was Alyce, so it was kind of a combo).

In summary, I ended up with Alec Tyler, Cody Nicholas, Lauren Grace, Noah Lucas and Sean Christopher and the only name we really "threw away" was Elise, because our dog is named Bella now. LOL
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Old 10-12-2010, 01:01 AM
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We have three daughters and I wanted to name each one Nicole (meaning I kept trying for the name Nicole) and DH said no each time. I then tried for it as a middle name (three more times) and no, no, no. He must have had a girlfriend with that name. lol

dd #1 is Megan, #3 is Jamie and #2 is the only one that we couldn't decide on a name for until the very last minute -- when we had to come up with a name or they weren't going to let us leave the hospital, haha...it was between Allison and Emily. We chose Allison.

SAHM to three girls (17,12,8) and two (very) spoiled mutts!

5 year breast cancer survivor

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Old 10-12-2010, 10:09 AM
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These stories are so fun!

With pregnancy #1, we already knew we were having a girl by the time we got around to name-choosing, so that narrowed it down a little for us. DH was NO help though. I'd ask him if he thought of anything, he'd always reply with Frankenstein or Rumplestiltskin, stuff like that. I started just blowing off his suggestions. Then, one day he came home from work and said "I have the perfect name" I was ready to blow him off again, thinking it would be Pinocchio or something this time, he said "What about Avery?". That's all it took. I chose her middle name, so we have an Avery Grace.

For me, our last name was hard to contend with. When I was a young girl, I thought having a daughter named Elisabeth Marie would be so pretty (my 2 grandmother's middle names). We could call her Ella or Beth, etc. Well, my last name ended up being Taylor, so naming my child Elisabeth Taylor seemed like cruel and unusual punishment. Nothing against THE Elisabeth Taylor but I just didn't want to start her off that way. In college, I loved the name Taylor for a girl, but when I married a man with Taylor as his last name "Taylor Taylor" was out of the question.

Funny thing about the name Avery - when I look at my daughter, it totally fits her; but when I look at Nikki's scrapbook pages, Avery totally fits her little guy too! LOVE names like that.

I'm 15 wks pregnant with #2 and we've already got names chosen for each gender (find out next month - hopefully) but DH and I pinkie promised not to share them until we at least know which one we're using. So - I'll be back in a month.
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