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Old 05-06-2014, 11:16 PM
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Default Clutter Spinoff

When it comes to clearing out the clutter and junk.. what do you do. Yard/Garage sales? Sell it on line.. throw it in the trash? Give it to a friend??

I'm trying to decide if we should try and sell some stuff or just give it away.. we have a reuse center where we can just bring things and other people take what they want.. which is so much easier than trying to sell something or dealing with the work that goes into a yard sale.. but i mean obviously you don't earn any $$ that way..
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Old 05-06-2014, 11:18 PM
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I'm terrible, I load it all up and take it to Goodwill. I can't tell you how much stuff we got rid of after I got out of the Air Force. We had stuff in storage for over a year when we finally bought our house and most of it just went to Goodwill or in the trash.

We've had maybe 3 garage sales in the last 12 years. I hate them! LOL!
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Old 05-06-2014, 11:25 PM
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We used to sell most of the stuff we got rid of. Usually a big garage sale once or twice a year. Craig's list, Ebay, etc. for things we knew we could make more money on than we would get from the garage sale. The rest, we donated to a thrift store.

NOW I just can't waste time listing things for sale... It takes so much time, plus I don't feel comfortable with Craig's list anymore. And I don't want to wait and store up a bunch of stuff until I have enough to justify having a garage sale, either. We just bag it up or put it in the bed of the truck and take it to the thrift store or GIVE it away to friends within a week. Because I feel good about gifting things and handing down clothes... What goes around comes around. I will say we also throw away a whole lot more than we used to. If it's not perfect no one would want it anyways, not even the thrift store, I trash a lot of stuff now. Recycle it if I can, of course.

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Old 05-06-2014, 11:27 PM
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There are those donation boxes all over now too. I drop my old clothes in those all the time.

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Old 05-06-2014, 11:30 PM
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Clothes I give to friends always.. my sister gets lucas' clothes and I have a friend with twins who gets lily's I'm thinking that a trip to the reuse center is exactly what will be happening here.
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Old 05-06-2014, 11:43 PM
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There are a few kid-focused consignment sales in our area, so we consign some of the kids' clothes, toys, and gear that make it through my crew in good shape. (And not much fits that criteria, so it's a reasonable amount to store for the 2x a year sale.) I never make much money, but it's something and it's out of the house being used by others. Anything that doesn't sell I donate. There are also times we just donate (usually through the drop boxes). I never throw garage sales; too much work for what I think would be very little payoff. I'd rather consign and donate. I also throw a lot away since many things just aren't in good enough condition for anyone else to want once we're done with them.
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Old 05-06-2014, 11:47 PM
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We sell things that might actually have value, But other than that I donate to a thrift shop (one that benefits a small school in the area or hospice). Or I donate it to a church yard sale. They love to get a big haul!
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Old 05-06-2014, 11:52 PM
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Last time we moved we did a garage sale because we had a lot of furniture and bigger items and we didn't want the hassle of having to load it all up and take them somewhere. It was well worth our time and effort to let others pay to take our stuff away!

Adam's also sold a few things on Craiglist but usually only specialty items. I wouldn't bother for average stuff. Everything else we just take to Goodwill.
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Old 05-06-2014, 11:56 PM
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Originally Posted by YepBrook View Post

I just can't waste time listing things for sale... It takes so much time, plus I don't feel comfortable with Craig's list anymore. And I don't want to wait and store up a bunch of stuff until I have enough to justify having a garage sale, either. We just bag it up or put it in the bed of the truck and take it to the thrift store or GIVE it away to friends within a week.
yep this is me.......
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Old 05-06-2014, 11:59 PM
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Honestly? I throw almost everything away. By the time we get rid of clothes, it's been through 2 or 3 sets of boys...we never buy anything of real value besides electronics and my kids beat the crap out of their toys.
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Old 05-07-2014, 12:00 AM
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but I have to admit most of the time I am pretty sure my husband just throws it in the trash before I even realize it
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Old 05-07-2014, 02:15 AM
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We usually take to Salvation Army thrift store or Goodwill.
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Old 05-07-2014, 05:26 AM
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It depends on the items - we're getting ready to move at the end of June and I just sold my riding lawn mower and treadmill through Craigslist - obviously those are worth some decent money so I wasn't going to give them away.

Cheyanne's school has a big spring swap meet for books, clothing, sports equipment, toys, etc. I love this because there is always a family that can't afford a new set of cleats or basketball shoes and most of the kids only wear them for 1 season before they out grow them so they're in good shape. They outgrow their baseball/softball gloves, bats, helmets, etc. Once the swap is over volunteers help pack what's left up and a local businessman takes it to the Salvation Army.

I trash stuff or take it to the recycling center if it's not in decent enough shape to donate to Goodwill or the SA.
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Old 05-07-2014, 06:28 AM
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We generally sell expense and/or unique stuff on Kijiji (like Craigslist, but Canadian). We've used it to sell a playpen, an old a bike, bumbo baby chair, bouncy chair, rocker-glider, a BBQ cover no longer needed, soccer shoes and shin pads, and skates.

For smaller stuff like knick-knacks and clothes, we just drop it off at a donation centre.

I always donate our books to our daughter's school for their annual book drive which raises funds for the school.
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Old 05-07-2014, 06:53 AM
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Good clothing I will bag up and have my son drop at Goodwill (he works a block from there). Any clothing that looks more than slightly worn goes in the trash. I never have enough for a garage sale and I'm not fond of storing it until someone in my family has one and we can add our stuff. So I just donate or pitch.

At work, every year at the beginning of the year we put stuff we don't want in the gym for the week we have before school starts. If someone else takes it, great. If not, it gets thrown away or stored (larger furniture).
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Old 05-07-2014, 07:28 AM
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I have never had a garage sale. They completely scare me and don't seem to be worth all. of. the. work.

I am really bad about impulsively going on a cleaning spree and just throwing everything away.

When we have planned clean-outs (about twice a year) I usually take loads to Goodwill.
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Old 05-07-2014, 07:35 AM
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I've had 2 yard sales in my life and while they are a lot of work, I've always made good money. I've not been able to have one the past few places we've lived due to HOA/community rules.

We sell large items like furniture on Craigslist, but most of the people we've encountered show up with half the money you've previously agreed upon telling you their tales of woe... We also get a lot of emails from people who want to give you $20 for something listed at $500. It can be a huge waste of time.

We mostly donate to local charities who either come to pick things up (we do this when we move or have large items) or we drop items off at the centers. Items need to be in good condition, though, otherwise, into the trash they go.
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Old 05-07-2014, 07:58 AM
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Rachel's clothes go to my BFF's daughters.

Expensive toys go to a consignment/resale shop.

Everything else gets donated.
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Old 05-07-2014, 08:38 AM
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Originally Posted by catgoddess View Post
We sell large items like furniture on Craigslist, but most of the people we've encountered show up with half the money you've previously agreed upon telling you their tales of woe... We also get a lot of emails from people who want to give you $20 for something listed at $500. It can be a huge waste of time.
Oh - this just drives me nuts!! It's apparently the new way to haggle... they come to the house to look at it and say I'm asking $100... "I only was able to get $60 out of the ATM, would you take $60?" I have my hubby deal with that...

Unless it has a greater value than what I can sell it for at a yard sale.. those items go up on ebay and large items that can't be shipped, goes on Craigslist. For all the other stuff, I try to sell in an annual yard sale. They are a lot of work, but I have a lot of issue just giving it away before seeing if I can sell it first. Then after the sale, I sort through the stuff - some that I want to try again, I'll pack up and store in the garage and the other stuff will get donated to goodwill or to our homeschooling group has a yard sale in the spring... the money from the sale goes to pay toward the facility during our school year.
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Old 05-07-2014, 09:21 AM
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When we were younger and struggling some wonderfully generous people helped us out giving us things we needed (baby stroller, change table, patio table... and so much more), so now that we're doing ok I like to pass on that good will. We will give to family/friends things we know they will enjoy/can use, and donate everything else. What goes around comes around I always say. Just last month some wonderful friends gave my DD a winter coat, snow pants and winter boots that should fit her next winter <3
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Old 05-07-2014, 10:28 AM
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I either throw stuff away or donate to Goodwell. I don't want to store enough stuff for a garage sell and deal with people. lol.
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Old 05-07-2014, 10:43 AM
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I sell things that are in "like new" condition; clothing mostly. We did have a yard sale once, but it was to get rid of the big baby stuff like baby swing, stroller, etc. The rest goes in garbage or Goodwill.
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Old 05-07-2014, 10:44 AM
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We have a Habitat for Humanity resale place where I donate things knowing the funds go to help others. They'll even pick it up if it's large.
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Old 05-08-2014, 05:06 PM
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I throw all stuff I don´t need anymore away. Things that can still be used are given away to people who want it. I only keep clothes that are still "new" from the older one for the younger one. ;-)
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Old 05-08-2014, 05:17 PM
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We've done 2 yard sales and I won't ever do that again. It's too much work to organize and price everything and then have people paw through your stuff and ask if you'll take ten cents for something you have marked at $100. We donate to Goodwill and take it as a charitable tax deduction. It's so much simpler.
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Old 05-08-2014, 08:48 PM
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In theory, a yard sale would be an excellent idea, but both my husband and I suck on execution of it ... so everything goes to Goodwill or is thrown out. Nicer items are usually offered to friends and family first. Honestly, I'm terrible about actually getting rid of stuff (I have many plastic containers to prove it). I'm terribly sentimental.
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Old 05-09-2014, 01:30 AM
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When I de-clutter, I'd put items in labelled plastic bags according to the actions that needed to be taken like Donate, Trash, Keep, Reuse or Give Away. Then after I'm done decluttering, I'd proceed to do the appropriate things with them.
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