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Old 03-24-2011, 09:57 AM
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Default It's Almost D-Day!!

Omgoodness ladies!! Today is my last OB appointment! At least that's what my OB told me last week, lol! She told me that if I made it to today, and baby hadn't made it's grand entrance on it's own, she'd schedule me to be induced tomorrow.

I've been mentally preparing for the fact that I could go into labour *anytime* for the last 3.5 weeks (DD was born at 37.5 weeks), and I CAN NOT believe that I am almost 41 weeks now, with no signs of baby coming out on his/her own. Frustrating.

And then a funny thing is happening! I am freaking out!! Like sweaty, nervous, shaky chills! I want to be done this pregnancy. It's 100% different this time, but for the worse. I'm thankful I didn't end up on bedrest or with something like GBS or pre-eclampsia (or anything else serious), so I feel silly to complain. It's just been really, really hard on my body, and I hurt & ache so badly I can barely sit, stand or walk. My body is READY, and my head was ready, and all of a sudden, I am a big mess of nerves and worry!

I think it has to do with not knowing what inducing will bring. I hear that labour can be pretty fast & furious & more intense (oh fun - just what I want), or that it can increase chances of a c-section because the baby could go into distress & it's heartate can plummet. I guess I just want my baby & I to be 100% safe, and the unknowns freak me out a lot.

Please send me happy thoughts, good induction stories, & good labour vibes!! You would think that with this being round #2 for me I would be calmer! Yikes!!

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Old 03-24-2011, 09:59 AM
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Happy thoughts sent! Have a problem-less delivery, and enjoy the little one.

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Old 03-24-2011, 09:59 AM
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Good Luck! I went into preterm labor last week and have been taking pills to stop contractions since. I will be having my scheduled C-section next week. Doctor wanted me to make it to 37 weeks!

Hope you have a easy labor and delivery!

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Old 03-24-2011, 10:16 AM
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I was induced for 3 of my 5 pregnancies and they were not any different then my 2 that I went into labor with!!! The only difference was baby #3, I was induced at 37 weeks for him because of high blood pressure (think 150/110) and spilling proteins in my urine. He was sunnyside up and because of the induction he didn't "turn" and it took me almost an hour to push him out. But that was the only difference the actually labor was the same.

And in fact my other 2 inductions (baby 2 &4) were much much shorter them my very first labor that started on it's own!! Baby #2 was 8 hours and baby #4 was 2.5 hours. But I will say that I NEVER had pitocin (I have heard that is the devil), I only ever has the gel they put on the cervix and then after that was on for a bit and it dilated me a few cm, they broke my water.

Maybe you will go into labor on your own tonight!?!?! I always read about it happening to everyone on my baby boards and it never happened to me and I was always so sad until l baby #5. I was scheduled for induction on a Friday and they were to full so kept getting bumped and they finally rescheduled me for the following Monday and I went into labor on my own that morning at 40 weeks and 1 day.


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Old 03-24-2011, 10:38 AM
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I'm hoping to go into labour on my own tonight - maybe the pressure/stress I feel will cause something to happen, lol! Plus, since I'll be in the city for my OB appt, I'm also going to do some shopping with my mom & my sister that's here visiting... going to Old Navy, the yarn store, and getting some groceries. I plan to walk and walk and walk until my legs give out, lol (probably like 20 minutes, haha!). And then we're having Curry Chicken for supper tonight, lol!

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Old 03-24-2011, 11:00 AM
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Sorry, my induction story isn't pretty, so I won't tell it to you, but I will say GOOD LUCK!!! My last baby was 10 days overdue, but she eventually came on her own.
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Old 03-24-2011, 11:41 AM
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I had 2 inductions, and both were relativly easy, I had to have a c-section with #2, but it wasn't anything to do with baby being in distress, she just kept going the wrong direction when I was pushing.

DD#1 was induced at 7am, nothing was happening, so around 5pm they said, we'll try tomorrow, I think that must have relaxed me just enought, because I was pretty nerveous & worried...about 10 minutes after they said that, my water broke. Within 12 hours I had a beautiful baby girl.

DD#2 was induced at 7am & I was pushing by 5pm. Labor wasn't terrible and it went quickly.

Sending you lots & lots of good labor/induction & calm nerve vibes. Try to relax a bunch today & maybe that will speed things along on their own.
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Old 03-24-2011, 11:57 AM
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Good luck sweetie!! Sending lots of good delivery vibes your way!
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Old 03-24-2011, 12:27 PM
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Oh how exciting! Good luck!
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Old 03-24-2011, 01:55 PM
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Good luck! I hope the baby will come on his/her own tonight
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Old 03-24-2011, 02:21 PM
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I had heard horror stories about being induced and honestly it wasn't bad at all!!!

I was scheduled to be at the hospital at 9am to start inducing. We got into my room, got hooked up to the IV with fluid (about 10-1030am by now), then they checked my cervix (still only 2cm). So they told me they would give me a few for the fluid then be back and start the pitocin and break my water. At 11:20am my water broke on it's own!! They still started the pitocin later to move things along faster. I went 3 hrs before my epidural. After that it was the waiting game. I was able to start pushing at 7pm, pushed for 3 hrs and she just wouldn't come. You could see her head and everything but they think she got stuck. So they took me into have a c section...at 11:13pm she was born.

So I was in labor for a good 12hrs but it honestly wasn't bad at all. Long day...but not bad. (I guess you could say that's Kennedy's birth story in a nut shell lol)

Can't wait to see that baby!!!
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Old 03-24-2011, 03:51 PM
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I'm like Elizabeth. I was induced because of ridiculously high blood pressure and protein spillage at 38.5 weeks. They were planning on giving me the pill to ripen the cervix one day, and then I'd come in the next day for pitocin. However, during the monitoring after they inserted the pill, I went into active labor, and DS was born 2 hours before they were planning on starting the pitocin. I'll pray that your induction goes as wonderfully as mine did!
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Old 03-24-2011, 04:24 PM
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Remember: you were there when I was 41 weeks along with Mason...they induced me and everything with us turned out ok. You will be fine and so will the baby...congratulations, by the way!
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Old 03-24-2011, 09:11 PM
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My induction went fine! I was induced with DS at 37w 3d because of high blood pressure. They started pitocin around 2pm, I started pushing at 12am, and he was born at 12:30am No complications at all. Good luck!!
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Old 03-24-2011, 09:33 PM
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I'm almost 37 weeks myself but I'm not expecting this little one to make her grand entrance anytime soon (her sister came at 39 weeks and 5 days) but I'm really hoping she'll come earlier.

Lots of good delivery vibes your way!

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Old 03-24-2011, 09:45 PM
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I'll be 35 weeks tomorrow.

The actual labor and delivery with my induction was fine and I did it with out pain Meds

Good luck!
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Old 03-24-2011, 10:03 PM
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Congrats! Wishing you a great delivery!

I was induced with Logan, had an epidural, and laughed and enjoyed the whole labor and delivery! I could have done it again the next day.

Hope you have a great experience!
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Old 03-24-2011, 10:06 PM
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All 5 of mine were induced, so I don't have anything to compare it to, but they all came pretty fast and easily, so I can't complain. My longest labor was 5 hours and my shortest was like 20 minutes.
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Old 03-24-2011, 11:55 PM
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Blah - I am so sad today! I went for my OB appointment and I'm still at 3cm & 50% effaced (same as I've been for the last 2 appt's). She called the hospital about inducing me tomorrow, but they're full!! They can't fit any more inductions in right now (they need to keep at least a couple beds available for emergencies & natural labors), but they will have some on Sunday.... so now I wait some more. I hate this!!

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Old 03-25-2011, 12:49 AM
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Sending you positive thoughts and hoping that you will be taking up one of the beds set aside for natural labor tomorrow anyway!
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Old 03-25-2011, 01:18 AM
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Good luck and try not to be nervous. Youll do fine!! I only have one induction to go by but with it my labor was pretty hard. I dont have any other really strong labor to compare it to with my other two babies though. That time my son was to big to be born natural so they took him c-sention. First time my daughter went into disstress so it was an emergency c-section and with my last son my blood pressure went up so high so he was about 6-8 weeks early with another kinda emergency c-section. I mean it wasn't an emergency exactly because we had time to call everyone and get an epidural and all that but I was not scheduled for a c-section with him for at least 4 weeks and he was due about 3 weeks after I was actually scheduled (doctor didnt want to take the chance of me having another 11 pound or bigger baby)

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Old 03-25-2011, 09:25 AM
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Keeping you in my thoughts! I hope you will be using one of those "natural labor" beds today/tomorrow!

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